Lab 5 Dedication in Kyebi, Eastern Ghana

Lab 5 Dedication in Kyebi, Eastern Ghana

Published on September 12th

The fifth of the Yamoransa Model ICT labs named “YM Lab 5” was successfully deployed in Kyebi, the Eastern Region of Ghana. This project, funded by the Helping Africa Foundation (HAF) and Friends of Yamoransa Foundation (FYF), was dedicated on September 12, 2019 at the J.B Danquah Memorial Center in Kyebi where the lab is located. The facility was dedicated by the representative of the President of Ghana, Hon. Samuel Atta Akyea, the Minister for Works of Housing, Dr. Deborah Rose (President HAF & FYF), Mr. Japhet Aryiku (Executive Director, HAF) in the company of other dignitaries.

Above | Hon. Samuel Atta Akyea with the delegation from the Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Council on a tour of the Makerspace led by Mr. Kafui Prebbie, CEO of TECHAiDE.
Top of Page | Dr. Deborah Rose and Mr. Japhet Aryiku with Hon. Samuel Atta-Akyea, Ghanaian Minister for Works & Housing and Member of Parliament for Abuakwa South and some distinguished members of the Akyem Abuakwa & Yamoransa Traditional Councils

YM Lab 5 comprises an upgraded 30-seater lab, a 40-seater EDULab and a Makerspace for Robotics, Virtual Reality and 3D Printing. This lab is the most advanced of the YM model labs as they have an EDULab audio visual materials like headsets, projectors and 30 pieces of educational software with ASANKA.

Dr. Deborah Rose, Mr. Japhet Aryiku, Miss Georgia Goldberg, Madam Comfort Garbrah and Mr. Humphrey Darke.

The ceremony was a beautiful occasion as speeches from TECHAiDE, Abuakwa South Municipal Assembly (ASMA), ASMA Education Directorate, Traditional Council, Helping Africa Foundation, Friends of Yamoransa Foundation, the President of Ghana’s representative among other dignitaries. All speeches shed emphasis on the importance of advanced ICTs in Education. Just like the dedication of YM Lab 4, the Yamoransa Model Development Committee (YMDC) for YM Lab 5 was introduced during the dedication. This activity reinforces responsibility for the management of the lab. The program ended successfully with the sods cut and picture taking.

Dr. Deborah Rose giving her speech at the YM Lab 5 Dedication, accompanied by Madam Comfort Garbrah(Former Assemblywoman for Yamoransa Electoral Area) and Madam Grace Asiam, Friend of FYF.
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